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Update a Running Node


To update an already running node (wheter it is an RPC node, boot node or validator node) check the releases page and note the latest tag latest_tag. Open a terminal, navigate to the root directory of project compose-zkverify-simplified and execute the commands:

cd compose-zkverify-simplified
git fetch
git checkout latest_tag
Recommendation: use the latest tag

It is recommended to use the latest tag in order to run the latest, most updated software. Check the releases page to find the latest tag and if needed, update accordingly the command provided above (e.g latest_tag -> x.x.x).

Then launch the update script by typing:


The interactive session run by the script asks you for the following inputs:

  • Node type: select the type of node you are updating.
  • Network: currently only testnet is available.
  • Parameters to update: if some parameters cannot be automatically updated you are required to provide a new value for them.

At the end of the session the script will update the directory deployments/network/network with the proper files. You will get a message similar to the following:

=== Start the compose project with the following command: 

docker compose -f /home/your_user/compose-zkverify-simplified/deployments/rpc-node/testnet/docker-compose.yml up -d --force-recreate

Before launching the node, you can further inspect and customize the execution by manually editing deployments/network/network/.env file.


Ensure that you fully understand the implications of customizing the execution manually if you choose to do so.

Within the terminal type the command suggested by the script in order to complete the update process. Note that the no shut-down operation is required because the entire restart procedure is handled by Docker.

Check the new image version is being used by typing docker container ls.