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Abstract Verifier

Abstract Verifier

The generic verifier abstraction that defines the extrinsic, events and errors for all verifiers. It also implements the logic to generate the statements hash. Every verifier should implement the hp_verifiers::Verifier trait:

  • Proof: The proof data
  • Vk: The verification key data
  • Pubs: The public inputs data.
  • fn verify_proof() the main verifier logic.
  • fn hash_context_data() the unique context that identify the verifier (i.e. b"fflonk")
  • fn pubs_bytes() how to get the bytes from public inputs that will be hashed by keccak256 in the final statement
  • fn validate_vk() the extrinsic input type are encodable types and often is not possible to enforce type validity, so you must provide how to check if the key is valid or not (default implementation accepts all verification key as valid).
  • fn vk_bytes() how to get the bytes from verification key that will be hashed with Self::vk_hash() function (default use scale encoded data).
  • fn vk_hash() how to hash the verification key, this is useful to bypass the standard mechanism when the verification key is already a hash: instead of taking the bytes and hash them you can just forward the vk as-is (default implementation use keccak256 of Self::vk_bytes()).

Beside the verifier logic and serialization/deserialization stuff, the Verifier developer should take care also of how the statement digests will be computed. Given a valid proof, as mentioned in Submitter Flow, ZkVerify generates a statement digest to identify uniquely the given proof and maybe a smart contract should be able to compute this digest too on chain and so compute the public inputs bytes and hash. This is way Verifier trait give the option to the developer to define his preferred encoding with pubs_bytes() to eventually simplify the on-chain work. Also, for the verification key the developer can define how to encode it with the vk_bytes() but in this case we can assume that a ZkRollup or ZkApp can set the value at deployment stage. Finally, there are some cases where the verification key is already a hash (i.e. risc0 proofs) and here we provide to the developer the capability to not hash it again via vk_hash().

How the statement digest is computed

Given a verifier implementation V the statement digest is computed as follows where pubs are the verified public inputs and vk is the verification key:

let ctx = V::hash_context_data();
let vk_hash = V::vk_hash(&vk);
let pubs_bytes = V::pubs_bytes(&pubs);

let mut data_to_hash = keccak_256(ctx).to_vec();

Submit Proof

The submitProof extrinsic get the verification key from the storage (if need it) and use verify_proof() implementation to check the proof.

Register Verification Key

If you choose to use the hash of verification key instead of the key itself, you need to register it before via registerVk. This extrinsic saves the verification key in storage and emits a VkRegistered(hash) event with the hash that can be used in submitProof call.