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Groth16 Verifier


Statement hash components

  • context: keccak256(b"groth16")
  • vk: keccak256(vk.encode())
  • pubs: keccak256(pubs) where pubs are the concatenated scalars bytes

The submitProof extrinsic can be used to verify Groth16 proofs.

Verifier implementation

This verifier leverages the arkworks ark-groth16 library for proof verification. The notation and serialization of the fields which make up the proof and verification keys also closely mirror the ones of that library. Therefore, if your proofs and verification keys are generated using ark-groth16, integrating with this pallet should be straightforward. Instead, if your proofs and verification keys are generated using snarkJS, the snarkjs2zkv cli utility is available for performing the conversion. If your proofs and verification keys are generated with other tools, the encodings section describes in detail the encoding of the various arguments.

  • verify_proof() deserialize the proof and public inputs and then verify them against the given verification key.

  • Define the following types:

    pub enum Curve {

    pub struct G1(pub Vec<u8>); // 64 bytes for Bn256 and 96 for Bls12381
    pub struct G2(pub Vec<u8>); // 128 bytes for Bn256 and 192 for Bls12381
    pub struct Scalar(pub Vec<u8>); // 32 bytes

    pub struct ProofInner {
    pub a: G1,
    pub b: G2,
    pub c: G1,

    pub struct Vk {
    pub curve: Curve,
    pub alpha_g1: G1,
    pub beta_g2: G2,
    pub gamma_g2: G2,
    pub delta_g2: G2,
    pub gamma_abc_g1: Vec<G1>,
    pub struct Proof {
    pub curve: Curve,
    pub proof: ProofInner,
    pub type Pubs = Vec<Scalar>;
  • hash context data is b"groth16"

  • pubs_bytes() are the concatenated scalars bytes

    .flat_map(|s| s.0.iter().cloned())
  • validate_vk check the fields value and curve points


The Proof, verification key Vk, and public inputs Pubs are composed of cryptographic primitives, namely elliptic curve points (belonging to either G1 or G2) and Scalars.

  • Elliptic curve points are represented in an uncompressed form, as the concatenation of the encoding of the x and y affine coordinates.

    • An element of the base field of the BN254 curve can be represented with 32 bytes, therefore the affine representation of a BN254 G1 point requires 2 * 32 = 64 bytes. Instead, since G2 is an extension field of degree 2, the affine representation of a BN254 G2 point requires double the space, namely 128 bytes.
    • An element of the base field of the BLS12-381 curve can be represented with 48 bytes. Therefore, the encoding of a BLS12-381 G1 point requires 2 * 48 = 96 bytes, and the encoding of a BLS12-381 G2 point requires 2 * 96 = 192 bytes. The x and y coordinates of the G1 and G2 points are encoded in little-endian format for BN254 curve, and in big-endian format for BLS12-381 curve. This is coherent with arkworks implementation.
  • Scalars are little-endian encoded. The scalar field of both the BN254 and BLS12-381 curves can be represented with 32 bytes.

The following table summarizes the size of the encodings:

G1 point64 bytes96 bytes
G2 point128 bytes192 bytes
Scalar32 bytes32 bytes