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Fflonk Verifier


Statement hash components

  • context: keccak256(b"fflonk")
  • vk: keccak256(vk.encode())
  • pubs: keccak256(pubs)

Verifier implementation

  • verify_proof() uses fflonk_verifier crate to deserialize the proof and public inputs and then verify them against the given verification key.

  • Define the following types:

    pub type Pubs = [u8; 32];
    pub type Proof = [u8; 768];
    pub struct Vk {
    power: u8,
    k1: Fr,
    k2: Fr,
    w: Fr,
    w3: Fr,
    w4: Fr,
    w8: Fr,
    wr: Fr,
    x2: G2,
    c0: G1,

    pub struct Fr(U256)
    pub struct Fq(U256)
    pub struct Fq2(Fq, Fq)
    pub struct G1(Fq, Fq, Fq)
    pub struct G2(Fq2, Fq2, Fq2)
  • hash context data is b"fflonk"

  • the pubs bytes are the input ones

  • validate_vk checks the fields value and curve points.

You can fill all the fields with both hex or decimal string: an example from Polkadot.js interface follows:

Fflonk registerVk


The pallet's verification duties are summarized in the following code snippet:

let proof = Proof::try_from(&proof_data).unwrap();
let pubs = pubs_data.into();
let vk = vk.into();

fflonk_verifier::verify(vk, &proof, &pubs)

The submitProof exstrinsic can fail both if it's not possible to deserialize the proof (InvalidProofData) or if the proof doesn't verify (VerifyError).